27 01, 2023

What is A “Sandwich Year”?

By | January 27th, 2023|NEWS|0 Comments

A 'sandwich year' is also known as a placement year. A placement year is a year-long program in which university students will take a year off from their degree to work in the field, whereby students work either full-time or part-time. Either way, they'll be paid in the same way as any other regular employee. [...]

9 01, 2023

Information about Manchester Metropolitan University

By | January 9th, 2023|NEWS|0 Comments

Manchester is regarded as a student city and prides itself on having world-class institutions in its vicinity. Manchester Metropolitan University is one of the universities with whom TM College has a partnership as well. Students should also be aware that Manchester Metropolitan University is home to a triple-accredited business school, placing it among the world's [...]

3 01, 2023

Information about Aston University, one of Our Partnered Modern Universities

By | January 3rd, 2023|NEWS|0 Comments

Aston University, one of the most acclaimed universities in the UK, located in Birmingham. Aston University is ranked in the top 25 universities in the UK in the Guardian University guide in 2023. According to the QS World Subject ranking for 2022, the university is also among the top 15 in the UK for business [...]

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