Reasons Why Wtudents Should Get Their Higher Education in The UK
The United Kingdom is home to a number of prestigious universities, with thousands of students studying there. Universities in the United Kingdom typically provide three-year bachelor's degrees and one-year master's programmes. As a result, students [...]
What is A “Sandwich Year”?
A 'sandwich year' is also known as a placement year. A placement year is a year-long program in which university students will take a year off from their degree to work in the field, whereby [...]
Information about Manchester Metropolitan University
Manchester is regarded as a student city and prides itself on having world-class institutions in its vicinity. Manchester Metropolitan University is one of the universities with whom TM College has a partnership as well. Students [...]
Information about Aston University, one of Our Partnered Modern Universities
Aston University, one of the most acclaimed universities in the UK, located in Birmingham. Aston University is ranked in the top 25 universities in the UK in the Guardian University guide in 2023. According to [...]
Information regarding the University of Western Australia
The University of Western Australia (UWA) is one of Australia’s well-known universities. The elite Group of 8 universities includes the Perth-based university. The Group of 8 (Go8), like the Russell Group in the UK and [...]
Early Bird Promotion 2023!
TM College kembali dengan Early Bird Promotion untuk tahun ajaran 2023/2024! Bagi kamu yang saat ini kelas 12 SMA, daftarkan diri kamu ke TM College untuk meraih gelar sarjana dari universitas top di dunia yang [...]
This is your chance to know everything about the University of Western Australia!
Join us at UWA Open Day: 🗓 Sunday 9 October 2022 🕑 2 to 5.30 PM 📍 Swissotel Jakarta PIK, Bussel Room REGISTER NOW to participate at UWA Open Day. You can fill in the [...]
Raih Gelar Sarjana dari UK, Australia, atau New Zealand dengan Tahun Pertama Kuliah di TM College
TM College menyelenggarakan Hybrid Open Day pada Sabtu, 11 Juni 2022 pukul 10.00–14.00 WIB. Hybrid Open Day ini bertujuan memperkenalkan program International Year One (IYOne) kepada siswa-siswi SMA di Indonesia, terutama yang baru saja lulus. Program [...]
A Virtual Tour with New Zealand Universities Webinar: Mulai Studi di Indonesia, Lulus dari Universitas di New Zealand
TM College berkolaborasi dengan Education New Zealand menyelenggarakan webinar ‘A Virtual Tour with New Zealand Universities’ melalui Zoom pada hari Sabtu, 23 April 2022. Webinar akan dibagi dalam dua sesi, pukul 11.00-12.00 WIB dan 12.00-13.00 [...]
Mentor UWA Business Plan Competition
UWA Business Plan Competition 2022, akan didukung oleh mentor-mentor profesional dari berbagai kalangan industri. Kompetisi yang diselenggarakan khusus untuk murid-murid SMA kelas 10-12 se-Indonesia ini diharapkan mampu menjadi wadah mereka dalam mengembangkan kreatifitas dan inovasi [...]